Bryan Westman
Stencil Art
Objective: Concept / Topic to teach:
• Students are to demonstrate an understanding of basic stencil designs and how to create a stencil from drawing to painting.
• Students will define art history related art terms and artists know for using this style of art.
• Students will create several images demonstrating an understanding of the art as well as designs that may be used on clothing.
Standards Addresses
Grade 6 –8 (1.2) Employing visual images. (1.3) Evaluating meaning and communication of art. (2.1) Use of the Elements of Art, and Principles of Art. (3.1) Identifying and using process. (4.1)Works of art from cultures, times, and places. (5.2) Critical Analysis and Aesthetic inquiry.
Literacy: Grade 8 (1.1) 1. Oral Expression and Listening. (2.1) 1. Quality comprehension and interpretation of literary texts demand self-monitoring and self-assessment. (3.3) Quality reasoning relies on supporting evidence in media.
Math: Grade 8 (4.1) Transformations of objects can be used to define the concepts of congruence and similarity. (4.2) Direct and indirect measurement can be used to describe and make comparisons.
Specific Objectives:
• Create a series of drawings that represent knowledge of how to create a stencil on different surfaces.
• Demonstrate basic painting, drawing, and design using acrylic paint and 2 colors of their choice.
• Define terms: Stencil, Fine art, Principles of Design, etc.
• Students will create a final image that can be transferred to other surface areas using a single color.
• Students will create an iron on stencil that they will use to paint onto a t-shirt or other clothing.
Required Materials:
• Paper
• Ruler
• Pencil
• Erasers
• Brushes
• Acrylic Paint
• Drafting Pencils.
• Oil Pastels
• Crayons
• Card Stock
• Scissors
• Freezer paper
• Iron
• Fabric
Introduction/ Discussion: Anticipatory Set:
Stencils are a form of image transfer that is most commonly known for being used in screen printing to create graphic T’s. The technique has also been used in Tag art as well as decorative designs where one pattern is repeated over and over. This inexpensive form of graphic design is used throughout the world and is a popular form of advertising as well as communication. While the technique has been used by Tag artists it has also become an acceptable form of art and is accepted as fine art. Many artists like Shepard Fairy, and Banksy have brought the form to be considered legitimate art.
Step-By-Step Procedures:
1. Start the lesson by asking the students to define terms related to Style/ Principles of Art
STYLE - The characteristic manner and appearance of the works of an individual artist / school / movement / or period.
PRINCIPLES OF ART - Guidelines that govern the way elements go together.
STENCIL - Creating an image by transferring ink or paint through one surface onto another.
EMPHASIS - Making an element or object in a work of art stand out.
2. Once students have discussed what is a Stencil demonstrate to the students basic types of stencils or designs that can be done in class.
- Draw a basic drawing that has plenty of positive and negative space that can be cut out.
- Outline the image with markers or sharpies (this is best to do this on card stock or heavy weight paper).
- Cut out the part of the drawing that will be the image that will be transferred onto another surface.
- Place the stencil against another paper and paint over the stencil so that the paint goes onto the new surface.
- Remove stencil and show new image.
3. For a sketch book project students will draw 4 concept drawings that are full page. Small details are not good for these project students should be encouraged to create images over words or any small designs.
It is important that any parts on the inside of an image be attached to the outside otherwise the image may be lost because of being cut away.
4. Once the students have created their concept drawings pick the best image and have them transfer the picture from their sketchbook to a cardstock. Students can trace the image or free hand draw a new picture. After the image is on cardstock having the students outline the image with either a sharpie or a marker.
5. Students are to use scisors to cut away the image so that there is a hole that will be used to transfer the paint through onto another surface.
6. Students will use a paint of their choice and transfer their stencil into their sketchbook.
7. The final step in this process is to create a stencil that can be used on a t-shirt. Using Freezer sheets (looks like wax paper but has a shiny side). Students will take their stencil and place it on top of the dull side of the freezer paper. They will draw the design onto the paper and cut it out. Once the stencil is ready students will place a board under their t-shirt to give support. Using an iron to adhere the paper iron it on at a high setting. The image will stick and the student will be able to paint over the image with acrylic paint. Peel off the freezer sheet and you let the shirt dry for the rest of the day.
Summary / Closure:
After completing the project students should have mastered a basic understanding of stencil and their use.
The students will have a completed a series of drawings as well as developed a basic understandings of the historical importance of artist who use stencil in creating art.
A final piece of art will be completed on a t-shirt which the student can take home to enjoy.
Evaluation: Assessment Based on Objectives:
The final grade will be based on the evaluation of the art piece, participation, effort, and quality of paper and art work.
• Students will earn a percentage for their Portfolio Review, both as presenter and as audience.
• Quality of the work done will be a large part of the grade based on how well they have demonstrated an understanding of the concepts and their depiction. Overall condition of the final pieces will also have a factor in the grading.
• Effort put into the project will be demonstrated by both the final images and the how well the student worked in class on each project. (Factors include: is the project completed, and does it look like the student worked on it and not other things?)
• The final drawing / painting / etc… as well as the several examples of different images will be combined to make up half of the project’s grade.
• A six week test on the vocabulary will also be used as a grade to determine the student understands of the subject matter.
• The Rubrics are made up of 5 categories: Project completion (30%), Participation (20%), Originality (20%), Quality of art work (20%), and Follows directions (10 %).
Additional Components that can be included:
Plan for independent practice:
Students who are at a higher level or who have class on a greater number of days will also be given the added task of creating a second art project using a different stencil. The students can also be given the task of researching an artist who has used stencils in their art.
Adaptations: (For students with learning disabilities):
This project for most students does not require any adaptation but if physical limitations prevent work to be done than it is advised that a report be given and presented to verify the students understanding of the subject matter.
Extensions (For gifted students): Students who complete the assignment early will be given the added assignment of creating a second art project using a Stencil with 2 colors to create the image.